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Today is March 28, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fairbanks, AK

location-map Fairbanks, AK | (907) 318 1719

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As an adult survivor of child abuse who overcame a hard childhood to create success, you are good at problem solving and powering through, but you experience a disconnection from your feelings, your body, and your relationships. You are good at pulling it together, putting your feelings aside and focusing to get things done. When you aren’t numb inside, you feel anxious until you find a way to numb out again. Sometimes the things you do to numb out: over-drinking, overeating, overworking, make you feel worse. You love your partner, but you often feel far away from them emotionally. It’s hard to receive touch from someone you love. My approach is collaborative. I take time to listen to you so we can find what truly will work for you. I will help you feel safe to experience your body and your emotions, and to find safety in relationships. I’ll be in your corner, offering encouragement, deconstructing patterns, and strategizing with you as you navigate challenges and find your path. You don’t have to numb out to get through your life. You can feel your feelings without being afraid of them, allowing more joy back into your days. Together we will find the strategies to create safety in your body, your emotions, and in your relationships. I help people change patterns, break cycles, recover and thrive. Learn more at