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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Girdwood, AK

location-map Girdwood, AK | (888) 689 6119

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Telehealth Counseling and Coaching throughout the US. While working with people, I help them work through the process of engagement, healing, and growth. My initial approach is to see the greatness of a person. I work with people to help them see their own greatness noting that their behaviors do not define them. The behavior is unhealthy, not the person. Who a person is at the core is always great, healthy, and beautiful. As we pull apart maladaptive behaviors from the individual, I help people become actively engaged in their own therapeutic process beginning a journey of healing and growth. With formal training in EMDR, Brainspotting, and DBT, I have a focus in trauma, anxiety, depression, and inter-personal relationships. By using various modalities, I am able to help the client find the best modality for them. We work through current concerns while also exploring deeper connected layers of trauma, depression, and anxiety. If you are looking to being a path of reviewing both current concerns and deeper patterns that contributed to current concerns, please know there is hope and healing is possible. Please do not hesitate to connect for an initial chat to review my style and to see if it fits for you. Healing is possible.