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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kenai, AK

location-map Kenai, AK | (907) 209 5544

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Do you often wonder if you could be happier or feel more confident? Do you want to improve your relationship with your spouse? Do you have a past trauma that is distressing for you even today? I help adults and couples in the areas of: sexual addictive behaviors, intimacy skill building, PSTD and trauma bonding. Together we can process through distressing events, learn healthier relational skills, boundary setting; styles of communication, and ways to release old, negative core beliefs. Call my office to talk to me personally about how we can accomplish your counseling goals! I offer a personalized approach to each therapy session and match what (you) the client responds best to. I often utilize cognitive-behavioral tools, emotion-focused therapy, and experiential approaches to each session. I am also a Certified Mediator and Alaska Parent Coordinator and work within the court system in multiple capacities. Please contact my office if you believe you need assistance making changes in your life or to build new relational skills. Together we can develop new life skills to move forward with a newly confident and insighful you. I am in-network with BCBS currently but can provide you with a Superbill for potential reimbursement with all insurance companies.