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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Calera, AL

location-map Calera, AL | (205) 402 8382

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Hi, and thanks for visiting my profile. My role as your counselor is to work with you and help navigate through the issues of life, such as, anxieties, depression, addictions, adjustments, relationships and other problems by using the strengths that you already possess necessary for self-empowerment, growth and success. View 8 Photos "It is not always how you begin, but how you end". Life is about choices, and choices are apart of life; therefore, choosing who you talk to about issues and concerns, does make a difference. I can provide ASAM assessments for addictions treatment placement, as well, evidence-based therapy. I have worked in the mental health, criminal justice re-entry, sex offenders treatment, adolescents, outpatient substance use and the social service field for the last 11 years. It is a joy and a privilege to assist people that takes the initiative to seek personal growth and emotional awareness.