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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Semmes, AL

location-map Semmes, AL | (251) 572 7639

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Are you feeling out of control in your mind and body in response to the daily pressures, tasks, and demands of being a young adult or college student? Maybe you've just left home for college, or are an upcoming graduate, and juggling it all seems debilitating sometimes. You keep it all together externally, but underneath the surface you are overwhelmed, tired, and burnt out. Maybe the stress of life's biggest transition has left you feeling depressed, anxious, homesick, or disconnected. Perhaps childhood wounds are finally coming to the surface and it feels as though you will never escape the cycle and find a retreat. I'm Mary-Claire, and working with college students in higher education for the past 8 years, I understand where you are because I've been there too. I work with young adults to find peace within themselves again, connection and healthy boundaries in relationships, the balance between work/life, and respite from those past areas of pain affecting you now. As a Marriage & Family Therapist with 13 years of experience working with children, adolescents, college students, adults, and families I approach your concerns from a wide lens perspective. My stance is non-directive, reflective, and supportive as we help you find a place of safety and security in the midst of the chaos.