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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Alexander, AR

location-map Alexander, AR | (361) 348 2702

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For clients who I have the privilege to walk along in their journey of healing, they come broken down with life concerns involving depression, anxiety, substance abuse, self-esteem, body image, suicidial ideation, anger management, self-harm, parenting skills, grief and loss, and physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and neglect. My ultimate goal is to help you refocus on your inner strengths, to refind your passion, to help you rebuild courage to take steps forward in what is holding you back. Who you are matters. You are worthy and enough. I believe that many people experience unfortunate events associated with trauma constructing their view of reality through the stories they tell themselves and then believe regarding the stressful incident. I focus on helping individuals refine personal strengths and abilities in overcoming irrational/unhealthy thoughts; Find a healthy sense of belonging Deciding to contact a therapist can be difficult and often intimidating, especially opening up about difficulties you face within your life story. "Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous." – Brené Brown. I will help guide you in a journey of finding your best self in sharing your most vulnerable pieces.

location-map Alexander, AR | (214) 629 5701

Accepting New Clients

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If you are here, you are probably hoping to find help for a challenge you or a loved one is facing. Congratulations on taking the first step towards overcoming this challenge. Making the decision to start counseling is often difficult and can be complicated by concerns that treatment may not be as helpful as you hoped, or that it may not work at all. Fortunately, it IS possible to find treatment that works! Maybe you are here because you or your child are struggling with mood swings, irritability, or loss of interest in things that were once enjoyable? Are you having difficulties at work or at home getting along with others? If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you or your child may be suffering from a mental health disorder. What if you could find answers through a specialized assessment process? Psychological testing with the newest standardized measures can provide these answers for you. My mission is to help clients resolve the issues that lead them to seek therapy and reach new heights in their lives through the provision of effective treatments that allow for learning, healing and growth in a supportive and understanding environment. "Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous." – Brené Brown