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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Benton, AR

location-map Benton , AR | (479) 234 4446

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I enjoy working with clients to resolve issues and find new ways of coping with difficult situations. I particularly like working with couples, whether that is to improve communication, deal with trust issues, or address infidelity. I frequently help people manage anxiety and depression. Most importantly, I enjoy forming a supportive, encouraging professional relationship with those that I work with. Most recently, I have become S.A.F.E. EMDR trained and EMDR Certified to assist individuals struggling with a variety of issues and traumas in processing through blocks in order to allow healthier processing to take place. I offer technology assisted counseling via live online sessions. I invite you to email or call to schedule an appointment. I’d love to work with you!

location-map Benton, AR | (501) 732 7357

Accepting New Clients

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Are you having problems with depression, have wounds to heal, or are you anxious all the time? Are you seeing a pattern of unhealthy relationships in your life and would like to change that? Are you in a relationship that's going down the wrong path or is communication unhealthy? Do you feel like your life is spiraling out of control and want to see things get back on track? I'm the owner of Gateway Family Therapy Services and I specialize in helping individuals and couples find the gateway to healing, wholeness, and happiness. I work with both adults and adolescents with various presenting problems but specialize in the treatment of trauma. I believe that solutions are found in healing. Therefore, my goal is to help you unlock solutions to your problems by healing from your traumatic experiences, uncovering your true potential and leading a life that you believe is worth living. If you are looking for someone to help you be the person, live the life, find the happiness you have been searching for and heal the pain that took that away give me a call and let's get to work.