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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Farmington, AR

location-map Farmington, AR | (479) 888 8206

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I create a respectful, safe, caring, brave, and judgement-free space for my clients through the use of warmth, kindness, empathy, and genuineness. I appreciate and welcome raw, unfiltered honesty from my clients because our problem areas are best addressed with authenticity. There are many places in this world where we feel like we must behave a certain way in order to fit in. I don't want you to feel that way with me. I want you to feel completely comfortable revealing your true self, unmasked, just as you are. I'm here to offer secular, compassionate, neurodiversity-affirming, and LGBTQIA2+ affirming therapy to fellow humans. View 7 Photos My experience within the mental health field includes outpatient therapy, school-based, inpatient, partial hospitalization, substance use, community support, psychoeducational skills groups, clinical supervision, and teaching courses at UARK. After my Master's, I completed 5 years of doctoral-level coursework and I am trained in EMDR. I take a humanistic approach and I believe that everyone has an important story to tell. I invite you to come tell your story. Growth is not a linear process, so progress doesn't always happen the way we imagine it will. I ask you to trust the process anyway.