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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jasper, AR

location-map Jasper, AR | (870) 686 7570

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I have over 20 years experience in private practice and work hard to create a caring, safe and motivating environment while exploring ways to break patterns robbing you of life and potential. All of us at some point encounter periods of uncertainty, challenge or change and may respond repetitively and unproductively, leaving us frustrated and weakened and unable to effectively work with life's struggles. I encourage clients to enhance their strengths, increase self-understanding and foster personal and relational growth. No person is broken, or needs to be fixed, but only rediscovered. I work with both couples and individuals and have a solid academic education with degrees in Marriage & Family Therapy, philosophy, psychology and sociology. My formal education combined with diverse life experience all contribute to the broad and rich therapeutic style I attempt to offer my clients. Meeting and accepting clients exactly where they are in life is paramount to how I work. I create an atmosphere where you can feel comfortable voicing your goals and desires while feeling the freedom and acceptance to work towards those goals. I attempt to find a balance between challenging my clients and giving them space to move at their own pace.