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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Anthem, AZ

location-map Anthem, AZ | (602) 497 3474

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Most personal struggles and relationship issues result from problems with the relationship with the self, rooted in relational injury experienced earlier in life. Therapy involves a dual process of understanding and healing the wounds we have experienced; and healing the relationship with the self. Identifying where we are off in our relationship with ourselves helps us to improve self-esteem; have healthy, fulfilling relationships; and take charge of the areas of our lives that feel unmanageable. Couples therapy is focused on understanding and healing the root of communication problems, differences in expectations, and the breakdown in trust. In therapy, through joint and individual sessions, couples will learn how to improve communication, understand the heart of their conflict, and learn to resolve it. Counseling for Children and Adolescents involves a combination of individual sessions, parent-only sessions, and sessions with the whole family. This structure helps create lasting results, as it focuses on understanding and resolving problems and concerns at every level.