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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Buckeye, AZ

location-map Buckeye, AZ | (480) 409 2348

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Ilyssa Swartout, Psy.D., founder of Growing Edges, is dedicated to helping others find within themselves a deep and lasting sense of wholeness, worth, and esteem. Dr. Swartout brings a special expertise to the field of psychology as she helps individuals through difficult periods by helping them to maximize their potential. While practicing from existential-humanistic framework, Dr. Swartout uses an effective combination of methods to help her clients achieve a harmony between the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical aspects of life. Her counseling philosophy is based on an existential-humanistic framework. Her therapy is not solutions-focused. It is different than standard therapies in that it is wholistic, considering the whole person and their unique life experiences. She seeks to foster her clients’ self-discovery and greater personal fulfillment. She believes that the client is the agent of change, and the therapist is a facilitator of the client’s work; that the human awareness is an evolving process. Exploring this process of becoming aware that new and fresh perspectives can be opened, giving power to realize significant life changes.

location-map Buckeye, AZ | (442) 888 1445

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I believe lasting change and healing comes through creating and strengthening the bonds that connect you with your loved ones. I will help you un-tangle and process those areas in your life that keep you from experiencing the security of those connections. I respect your unique journey and I will collaborate with you on your goals for healthy change. Moreover, your trust in me is of the utmost importance, so I will work diligently to ensure that you feel cared for and understood. Witnessing my clients experience profound and lasting change brings me great joy and fuels my passion for bringing hope and encouragement to people in pain When working with individuals, couples and families I utilize attachment-based modalities, such as Emotionally-Focused Therapy, to help clients process emotional pain and trauma, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve communication skills, and strengthen relationship connections. Let's get started working together to create the life you have dreamed of - a life full of authentic connection with loved ones and a felt sense of empowerment to reach your goals.