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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sedona, AZ

location-map Sedona, AZ | (215) 630 7154

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Are you ready to feel more serene, peaceful, and connected? Are you on your healing path, seeking support to reach your potential? If so, I can help you recognize your strengths and to move forward, all the while working together in an atmosphere of acceptance and kindness. This helps you to grow on many levels - mind, body and spirit. I have 30+ years experience as a psychologist, author and professional speaker. I work people with trauma, eating disorders and many other concerns. If I can't help, chances are I know someone who can. View 4 Photos My practice is LGBTQ+ affirming and weight inclusive. I welcome clients of all backgrounds. My connection to the LGBTQ+ community is based on lived experiences. I am also in active eating disorder recovery. These identities have supported client rapport and connection, gaining me a Best of Bucks and Best of Pennsylvania award. If you are seeking deep therapy we would work well together. I include approaches like EMDR, mindfulness, breath work and guided imagery. I also offer in office Ketamine Assisted Therapy and psychedelic integration services. The best way to find out if you are a fit for my style is to talk with me. Please reach out. I work with clients in NJ, PA and AZ.

location-map Sedona, AZ | (928) 918 8627

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Making the decision to go beyond your present stress or challenge is the first step. Finding the right support is the next. I believe we all have great potentials that stress can derail. When this happens, we experience symptoms. Trauma, relationship issues, grief and loss, life transitions and physical reactions to stress are common concerns for many. I will work with you to develop the best strategies and create your own toolbox to live your best life; to go beyond the challenges in your life, find new paths and transform old patterns. We were not born with an instruction manual yet we all have a heart! Each one of us is unique yet we all have needs and desires to grow and thrive. Creating healthy relationships with self and others is key. When we are thriving and in these healthy relationships we function optimally. Relationships and finding creative solutions is my specialty. Most of us grew up in a culture that knew how to "power through" or "Just do it". Often the overfocus on what we grew up with kept us from living our own truth. The consequences of imbalance is symptoms. Now, we have the knowledge and tools to walk from the old survival states to new states of openness and courage. I encourage you to go forward to thrive.