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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Antelope, CA

location-map Antelope, CA | (530) 864 5793

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As a parent of a spirited or neurodiverse child you often feel overwhelmed and isolated. You love your kid, but you wonder if you are cut out to be a parent. That you are failing at every turn. Even the “easiest” things become difficult and you never know when the next meltdown will happen. You worry about what others think; about you, about your child. You can feel the judging glances in public. It hurts to see your child suffer and struggle through things that are so easy for everyone else. You wish you could relax enough to enjoy parenting the way you want to. I want you to know that even though it might be hard right now that you and your child will be okay. I can’t claim to help make your life perfect, things might always be hard. This world was not built for your child, but I can help you to feel more confident in the decisions you are making for your child, honoring your child’s needs and your family's values. My goal for therapy is not to help you “fix” your child, it is to help you learn to cope with the stress in your life and feel confident you are making the right decisions for your child. Support you in finding time for you, even if it’s just stolen moments here and there. Find ways for you to build a group of support that help you get your needs met.