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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Azusa, CA

location-map Azusa, CA | (626) 263 6992

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Are you struggling to keep up with your life, constantly juggling responsibilities feel like you aren't moving forward? Do you experience feelings of numbness, detachment, panic, anxiety, depression, or unresolved trauma? Are you looking to change problematic patterns or behaviors and feel lost in how to do so, for the long-run? I want to help you find peace, joy, and healing in life! Hi, I’m Regina Chow Trammel, PhD, LCSW, and have successfully treated hundreds of clients throughout my 15 + years of practice. I would love to assist you in your journey of healing and empowerment for long-lasting change. I have extensive experience & training in evidence-based therapies. As your therapist, I will partner w you to feel better, build resilience, healing & find renewed hope. By combining mindfulness, existential, somatic, parts, & inner child work, we will safely dive deeper into the issues you face so that you can find long-lasting comprehensive resolution. You are capable of moving toward healing, realizing peace and emotional balance. Your mental health matters. And, your healing and recovery matters. You can find joy and emotional health again so that you can grow and flourish in your family, work, and all that matters to you. I hope to be your guide in a therapeutic journey towards long-lasting growth.