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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Beaumont, CA

location-map Beaumont, CA | (951) 916 3521

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I'm a integrative counselor who will help you get more satisfaction out of life. I've helped hundreds of people to dramatically improve how they feel and relate to others. Whether you're challenged by relationship problems, depression, anxiety, phobias, guilt, grief, anger, addictions, eating disorders, spiritual issues, trauma, PTSD, compulsive behaviors or communication challenges, I can help you with powerful techniques including: Rapid Resolution Therapy, CBT, TCT, Hypnosis and EFT, among others. Importantly, I treat the whole person, including your spiritual side if desired. I'll help you feel better and get better fast. In addition to my private practice, I worked as a Psych Therapist at Mission Hospital Laguna Beach for 9 years with Inpatients, DayTreatment, Chemical Dependency and Eating Disorder patients facing profound challenges. I was known for providing effective tools, improving their lives quickly. When you're hurting time matters. Uniquely, I came to this profession later in life after a successful career in advertising. Initially I trained at Saddleback Church as a Church Counselor. Success and passion compelled me to go back to school for an advanced degree in Counseling Psychology so that I could help you too.