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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Carpinteria, CA

location-map Carpinteria, CA | (805) 491 9088

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I'm here to help you understand and heal from the trauma you've experienced and to develop strategies to manage your emotions better. We'll explore questions about your identity, self-worth, and relationships and work on creating positive and healthy connections with others. Together, we'll address your academic or career goals, develop constructive coping strategies, and respect your need for autonomy while providing guidance. We'll set realistic goals and work on strategies to create a more hopeful future outlook, build a positive self-image and self-confidence, and support you on your healing journey. View 5 Photos Open to patients! Schedule a free 15-minute telehealth consultation at your convenience at I prioritize building a trusting connection with my patients based on compassion and positive regard while employing empirically supported interventions, like EMDR, ERP, CBT, ACT, and mindfulness-based CBT to reduce distress and increase resilience. As a caring professional and professor at Antioch University, I am fueled by a passion for giving back. I am here to guide you in mastering the art of grounding your nervous system, being compassionate to your experiences, and advocating and empowering you to amplify your inner voice and sense of agency. You can foster an improved well-being.