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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Chico, CA
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Anxiety, depression, life transitions, relationships can all be extremely difficult. I appreciate how hard it is to reach out for help, but I want to hear your story and find out about your struggles as well as your strengths. So, let's figure this out together! Previous to opening my own private practice I had worked in a small clinic focused upon people struggling with personality disorders. Additionally, I have experience working with depression, anxiety, trauma, life transitions, marital issues, and more. I became a therapist after 20 years as a professional musician and traveling all over the world. I believe my unique life experience has helped me to appreciate my patients and their unique stories, challenges, strengths, and desires.
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You would do Anything for your kids! You lay awake at night thinking about the would haves, should haves and what ifs. But what if the greatest gift you gave your child was the healthiest version of you? You find yourself easily triggered while parenting your kids, talking to your partner or a loved one. You dream of feeling Calm, Confident, and Grounded. You are ready to change, but get overwhelmed knowing where to start. You are ready to learn tools to manage anxiety and conflict, and start improving the relationships in your life, starting with your relationship with yourself. You yearn to give your kids the parent they deserve. CaIl! I specialize in working with individuals struggling with anxiety, painful relationships, & parenting challenges. Clients come to me looking for a therapist who understands, is Real and who has experienced the hurt underneath being an anxious person & parent. Our sessions focus on your needs, skill building and usually involve some laughter and f-bombs. I offer individualized support to help you become the person you dream of being. I will help you build a life of connection and confidence. Don’t let fear or anxiety rule your life anymore. You deserve someone in your corner supporting you. Visit my website, or call today for a free consultation. I look forward to connecting.
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"I don't even know what I feel." "I'm such a f&$k up, I can't ever open up." "If people knew how I felt they'd leave me just like everyone else before them." If these thoughts resonate with you, know that you're not alone. I get those feelings. You're tired of feeling disconnected, isolated, and unfulfilled. Perhaps you can't even recall a time when life didn't feel this heavy. But, you're ready for a transformation! You're prepared to regain your confidence and tackle life with renewed purpose. You're eager to reconnect with your loved ones and align your life with your purpose. You don't have to go it alone. I'm in your corner. Clients seek my help because they want a therapist who truly understands their experiences. Therapy should be a space where you feel acknowledged, recognized, and understood. In our sessions, we will start from that place of safety and venture out to help you understand what you feel and why you feel that way. It's not nearly as painful as it sounds. As a seasoned therapist specializing in men's issues, I resonate with what motivates you: authenticity, freedom, and connection. After all, I'm a man first, and a therapist second. But you don't have to continue in feeling disconnected and isolated, and you certainly don't have to face these challenges alone. Call me today!
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