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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cupertino, CA

location-map Cupertino, CA | (415) 592 7852

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I am a Licensed Educational Psychologist specializing in the assessment and intervention for learning/emotional/intellectual/executive functions disorders. Through evidence-based and mindful exploration, I unravel clients' challenges, and guide them toward a healthy, happy and fulfilling sense of self and educational experience. My passion is supporting children, adolescents and adults who, for one reason or another, have struggled to engage with the conventional educational system. I specialize in the assessment and placement of students (all ages) with unmet needs, including at alternative/residential placements. I offer years of experience in building curated educational experiences and IEPs. Following a free consultation, clients are led through the assessment process, culminating in actionable recommendations, high-stakes testing accommodations, parent consultation, assistance communicating with school teams and educational advocacy based on individual need. The focus of my psycho-educational evaluations is to develop a sense of agency and empowerment in my clients - regardless of their age. To parents, students and schools alike, I am a partner in facilitating educational equity. I believe that every student's learning potential can be unlocked through the power of care, and I strive to make that a reality.

location-map Cupertino, CA | (408) 659 8158

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You do not have to go through life challenges alone. People come to see me for a number of reasons. Maybe you are seeking help for anxiety or depression or maybe you are going through a difficult event, like the death of a loved one, a break-up, or health issues. Maybe you hope to have healthier and more satisfying relationships. Maybe you are haunted by experiences stemming from childhood or the more recent past. We all are seeking a better life, a pathway to some change, and a greater sense of peace or confidence. Therapy is a great place to work toward these goals. I take an active role in helping you find better ways to communicate. Together we will understand how experiences, perceptions, beliefs, and relationships have impacted you. I use various modalities to help you learn new ways to manage your emotions and resolve conflicts in your relationships. Your self awareness of your natural gifts will increase. Through my work, I've seen many people move forward from extremely difficult situations and I can help you too. Take the first step, call now.