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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dublin, CA

location-map Dublin, CA | (925) 489 1903

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Neurodivergent (ADHD/Autism/giftedness/2e) therapeutic assessment is a client-centered approach to testing that focuses on your unique strengths, abilities, and challenges. If you're seeking to better understand yourself and the world around you, therapeutic assessment can unveil meaningful information that may not always be revealed through reflection or therapy. You will be provided with a written report, feedback session, and tailored treatment plan with recommendations based on your personal goals identified during the beginning of our assessment. As a licensed psychologist, I have been employed as director, manager, and senior evaluator of assessment at SFO Kaiser Psychiatry, Department of State Hospitals in Napa, and the Conditional Outpatient program. I have over a decade of experience specializing in complex assessment cases that have honed my capacity in providing quality care to my clients. Every person learns, behaves, and processes information in a different way, and it is my priority to fully understand your personal experiences and challenges. My assessment approach includes strengths-based, person-centered principles to provide tailored treatment recommendations that are meaningful and personalized to you.