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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Emeryville, CA

location-map Emeryville, CA | (408) 418 2148

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Most men will experience some form of impotence in their lifetime, and the likelihood of developing symptoms increases with age and declining health. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a number of factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, and clogged arteries due to heart problems, or old age. In normal, healthy men, erections are activated by arousal, which activates pleasure centers in the brain. The brain sends messages down the spinal column, ending in the penile arteries. Pressure/shockwave treatments supports athletic sports injuries that can also contribute to inflammation restricting blood flow in the body. GainsWave ED treatment that utilizes pulsed acoustic waves, known in Europe as shockwave therapy, to address the cause of poor sexual performance and athletic sports injuries and pain in men – decreased and insufficient blood flow. Diabetes, high blood pressure, pulled groin, poor sleep, cycling, horse back, are contributing factors to inflammation. When men begin to develop heart disease and high cholesterol, fat builds up around the arteries, and the artery becomes hardened by calcification, preventing sufficient blood flow to tissues. As a result, these processes are resulting in: Difficulty getting an erection for men over 40 Difficulty having pleasurable orgasms Decreased sensitivity Increased.