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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Escondido, CA

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Whether you are wanting some help in managing work-related stress, a new life transition, or a deeper-rooted trauma, Brittany will work with you in setting up individual goals for therapy and learning new skills. She will come alongside you, provide a safe space, and guide you towards a better future. Brittany is passionate about working with individuals with anxiety, trauma, and a history of codependency. She is experienced with a variety of mental health issues, including PTSD, addictions and dual diagnosis, bipolar, psychosis, self-harm behaviors, suicidality, fictitious disorders, and personality disorders. Brittany is trained in Prolonged Exposure Trauma Therapy, which is a structured, evidence-based PTSD treatment. She enjoys working with families that have endured stress and codependency, and has a passion for supporting them in their healing process. Most notably, she has helped young adults and parents struggling with these boundaries and communication. Having a strong therapeutic relationship where you can feel safe enough to share anything and everything is invaluable. If you are looking for an opportunity to get "unstuck" in your life, Brittany invites you to begin this journey with her. She would be honored to support you in whatever your challenges are and looks forward to hearing from you.