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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Eureka, CA

location-map Eureka, CA | (707) 244 7865

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You can’t take it anymore. You feel yourself both falling apart inside, freaking out, and then shutting down. You try to live your daily life, but the issues of everyday life trigger memories, leaving you feeling emotionally flooded and agitated. You don’t want to continue the pain of the past into your future, but you find yourself having reactions out of proportion to what is happening. It feels unbearable. You want to be sure the people you love are protected and nurtured unlike how you felt growing up. You worry all the time and you feel paralyzed, as though nothing you do or try matters or makes a difference. As an EMDR Certified Therapist and Consultant, I offer evidence based EMDR and somatic techniques through intensives that can help to calm your brain and body and help you to heal. I love utilizing the powerful benefits of EMDR and somatic healing with clients and seeing the relief and new freedom they report feeling afterward. You deserve some space to heal and it does not have to be a once a week commitment. Intensives allow you to do more work in less time in a half day, full day, or 3 day intensive. If you are ready to prioritize your needs and get more work done on resolving your traumas, the first step to starting your journey is to call today for your free consultation.