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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Fairfax, CA

location-map Fairfax, CA | (415) 944 4221

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Maybe you are stuck in patterns that do not serve you. Maybe experiences and relationships that should give you pleasure leave you wanting. Or find yourself ruminating about the past or worrying about the future rather than living expansively, now. While many people can identify "the problem": alcohol and drugs; the death of a loved one; the end of a marriage, etc. Sometimes our inability to live fully confuses us. Together we can look at what is getting in the way. As a guide and companion I can help you heal past wounds and open to the joy and possibilities your life has to offer. My area of focus is Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, a non-pathologizing, healing-oriented treatment modality. "Undoing aloneness" is its basic tenet and it is my goal that within the treatment room and outside as well, my clients gain more connection with me, themselves, the significant people in their lives and the community at large. Some focal points of my work include end of life and grief support with individuals, couples and families; addiction and recovery from addiction; support through life transitions; trauma recovery; and cognitive tracking.