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Today is March 28, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Gardena, CA

location-map Gardena, CA | (424) 218 9121

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To everyone around you, it looks like you have it all together – the job, the relationship, friends, trips – but inside you know it’s a different story. No one quite knows the real story, and if you were to tell them they wouldn’t understand. Between shutting down and rushing to make up for wasted time, you find yourself overwhelmed, frustrated, hopeless and lonely under your own skin. You wake up each day to start the same cycle yet again. At some point, you realize breaking the cycle is needed. After all, this is not a dress rehearsal, this is your life. I provide a safe environment where you can open up and explore your concerns, fears, and hopes, working together towards a more balanced and peaceful life. My style is conversational, active, down-to-earth, compassionate, and humorous at times. Together we make sense of where you've been and where you want to go from here. Life is challenging, and at times our sense of identity and security are temporarily taken away from us. It is normal to feel lost, confused, unsure of your choices, stuck. Engaging in a process to explore your inner world and how it relates to your outer world is a radical, brave move. If you feel ready, reach out.