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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Livermore, CA

location-map Livermore, CA | (925) 273 7647

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From 0 Reviews

Having trouble negotiating so many new changes? Is your partner or your kids getting on your nerves? Dealing with intrusive, negative thoughts? Therapy can help. I am non-judgmental, down-to-earth, honest, and compassionate. I offer a comfortable and safe environment, and a genuine interest to understand your experience(s). With more than 20 years of experience working with individuals and couples, I can help you achieve your goals. I am also certified as a Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider. I believe that food, exercise, and stress greatly impact your medical and mental health. I work with a variety of issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, postpartum depression, relational difficulties, parenting, and anger management. I also have experience working with individuals ranging in age and ethnicity.

location-map Livermore, CA | (925) 392 3592

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Are you having difficulties personally or in your relationships causing you sadness, irritation, depression, anxiety or general discomfort and don't know what to do? Would you like to change those compromising circumstances or learn to manage them more effectively? Choosing to enter therapy can be your avenue to resolving your problems and creating the life you desire. I would like to help you achieve your goals. I am dedicated to my profession and passionate about the work. Let's set up a consultation. We can meet in person and talk about your personal wants and desires. I am an experienced interactive attachment based therapist with a warm, respectful and down-to-earth therapeutic approach. I use Emotionally Focused Therapy and psycho-dynamic theory. I am certified in "Healing Shame" work and incorporate this treatment into my work. I offer a safe and comfortable environment. I am an African-American person of color and appreciate and value difference. I am trained extensively in cultural diversity with experience working with the personal and social effects and implicit obstacles that differences may bring. I work efficiently with racial, gender and sexual identity, and "alternative" lifestyles.

location-map Livermore, CA | (925) 526 4896

Accepting New Clients

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I have a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Forensic Psychology from Santa Clara University. I spent the first five year of my career working with children and adolescents who experienced sexual abuse. In 2007, I transitioned to the City of Fremont's Youth & Family Services Department. For the past 10 years, I have worked with trauma victims of crime, youth offenders diverted from the juvenile justice system, and adolescents with early addiction issues. I also worked with children who were the victim's of violent crimes and their families