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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lodi, CA

location-map Lodi, CA | (209) 266 7504

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

More sessions are opening in February, and yes, I will return your calls! My ideal client understands that their current concerns are not because they are broken or defective. They understand that they can make change in life and are simply stuck in the process. They are willing to look at the somatic elements of who they are, become more mindful of their internal sensations and return to the present moment. I also love working with people that are kinda open to therapy, but have some reluctance as well. Maybe prior experiences have been less than ideal and they're ready to give up on therapy completely. Verbal processing is important in therapy, but is not enough. There is a lot more to us than the words in our heads. We also have felt experiences happening within us. I help my clients to align their thinking selves with their somatic selves. I specialize in helping people to get unstuck, to heal their trauma and make the change they want in their lives. Life can absolutely get better. Sometimes we just need the help of another in our own process of getting unstuck and making change. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I know it's scary. Feeling vulnerable can be challenging. Giving someone new a shot is terrifying. Especially if you have been disappointed by therapists in the past.

location-map Lodi, CA | (209) 580 6815

Accepting New Clients

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I am a licensed clinical psychologist providing therapy services to the Lodi community. I work with children, adolescents and adults offering a range of services including individual, family and couples therapy. My primary goal when meeting a new client is to create an environment where they feel respected, understood, and heard. I believe that feeling comfortable is a necessary pre-requisite for exploring and addressing sensitive issues - and attending therapy for the first time or with a new therapist can often feel awkward and vulnerable. To support you in working toward change, it is my job not only to provide a compassionate ear, but also to bring perspective, instill hope, to appropriately lighten the mood through laughter and to actively provide information that I have gained through my training and experience. Prior to entering full time private practice, I served as a staff psychologist at University of the Pacific for 9 years. I have special interest in working with anxiety, OCD, unresolved trauma, eating disorders, life transitions, grief, cultural issues, and challenges facing adults raised by parents with mental health issues and/or addiction (ACOA) .