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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Menifee, CA

location-map Menifee, CA | (951) 267 5046

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Hello and thank you for visiting my profile. Are you trying to address a long standing problem or has life presented you with a new challenge? Are you navigating one of life’s many transitions, feeling frustrated with a relationship, finding your identity, or experiencing symptoms of Anxiety or Depression? Sometimes, we need a little bit of support that can help us work through the challenges that life brings us. Therapy is a time and safe space where we can slow down and take a closer look at the obstacles and difficulties we face in our lives. My goal is to provide a responsive and affirming therapeutic space, where you feel understood in order to build resiliency and uncover your strengths. I use a wide range of interventions (art, talk, role playing, CBT, mindfulness, writing) to explore the past, present and future, and meet the unique needs of each individual. I'm eager to hear your story, and collaborate on what healing and wellness can look like.