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Today is March 28, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Monrovia, CA
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*LGBTQ+ affirmative* Are you afraid to speak up or be your true self for fear of what others will say or do? Do you wish your family communicated more effectively, your kids would respect you and your rules, or you could get your teen to open up to you? Do you constantly give to others to the point of exhaustion or until you snap and wonder when it’s your turn to receive? If any of these scenarios fit your current struggles, I can help. When you reclaim your true voice and begin to use it thoughtfully and purposefully, you can lead a more authentic, balanced, and fulfilling life. I have 20 years of experience working with youth and families and the LGBTQ+ community. I'm trained in family systems therapy and treating trauma in children and adolescents. With me families communicate and solve problems, LGBTQ+ folks have an affirming place to safely express themselves and heal, and givers feel more appreciated and rejuvenated. If you feel as though you’ve lost or stifled your voice, I can help you find it again. We’ll do this work with humor, compassion, and without judgment. Get the respect you deserve. Live authentically. You can heal yourself; I will guide the way. Call me for a free 15 min. consultation.

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You want to thrive in your closest relationship: we're here for you. My name is Megan Lundgren, and I am the Director of Relationships For Better, a relationship counseling private practice based in Monrovia, in the San Gabriel Valley. My team of experienced and skilled therapists specializes in helping people navigate relationship hurdles with compassion and care. Relationships are the most important part of life: let's make them better, together. View 6 Photos No matter your relationship status, our therapy team is here to support you. Some individuals wait until they are at a certain point in their life to pursue counseling. I'm here to tell you that you don't have to wait - you can empower yourself and call me today. I can help you determine which therapist is the best fit for you. We talk with people every day who are struggling in relationships with the people closest to them. And every day, we provide a compassionate therapeutic relationship with all of our clients to help provide effective tools and momentum to work through difficult life circumstances. We're here for you for better or for worse: let's make it better, together!

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I enjoy working with people who are ready to make a change and open to reflecting upon themselves. My ideal client is willing to go through the therapeutic process in order to see change, even though it may be uncomfortable at times. He or she is willing to accept the challenges and responsibility of making change happen, and will have my wholehearted support. I will listen attentively and compassionately to your story. I am curious to find out what your life experience has been so far and will help you to explore where you would like to go. I use a strengths-based approach and consider a client's social and environmental context to give me insight. I have worked with a fairly wide range of clients of different ages and with different issues, and believe that making a connection is the most important thing in therapy. I would love to have a conversation with you to see if and how therapy can benefit you.

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