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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Newark, CA

location-map Newark, CA | (510) 867 3810

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Do you feel overworked, over-stressed, and overwhelmed? Many of my clients come into therapy struggling with some form of stress and anxiety, particularly stemming from an unease and dissatisfaction with how their life is going. Many feel “stuck” — uncertain on how to handle these nagging feelings. I have extensive experience working with professionals in highly demanding career fields, especially those dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety in their job. I specialize in working with Type-A, high achievers, particularly those struggling with issues such as work/life balance, perfectionism, and impostor syndrome. I also specialize in treating interpersonal and relational issues such as social anxiety, shyness, low self-esteem, and relationship OCD/anxiety that can affect dating and commitment in intimate relationships. In addition, I offer couples counseling, where I help partners navigate issues pertaining to communication, intimacy, and emotional connection. My treatment approach is culturally-sensitive and informed by various evidence-based practices and interventions that I tailor to meet your specific, individual needs. I strive to provide a compassionate, curious, and non-judgmental environment where we work collaboratively to develop ongoing and flexible goals to make the most out of each therapy session.