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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Northridge, CA

location-map Northridge, CA | (818) 946 0646

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Trauma and anxiety do not have to stay with you forever. You are off balance, and it is a struggle to get back into your life's routine. Daily affirmations are not enough. Give voice to your story in a safe and comfortable setting and take steps to eliminate your anxiety, rage and heartache. Utilizing a whole-body approach to treatment we will minimize disruptive blocks & triggers and develop internal and external strategies to help you find freedom from fear and regain your self trust. Healing is an intense time of treating wounds filled with pain, humiliation and self-doubt. Accidents, assault, abuse, even bullying, all definitively alter your existence in the world. With tender and patient support, we collaborate to help you heal these wounds and improve your relationships. Therapy for you the survivor, not the victim. A phone conversation is the next step to finding out if we are a good fit, and it is essential that you feel comfortable. It is a big decision to choose to see a therapist, lets make sure that you feel good about the connection. I am licensed in Oregon (T1537) as well as California and I have a HIPPA compliant telehealth platform for online video sessions.