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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Novato, CA
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Your relationship is stressed or you're looking for one, you're restless in your career or you're searching for meaning. Your self-care has taken backseat to busyness and life has become about being mother, wife, or caretaker. You're feeling stagnant, uninspired, and worried the world is passing you by. Waking up in the morning and looking forward to your day seems like a distant reality. You want to change but feel paralyzed by uncertainty. It feels too hard on your own to get clear with what's missing in your relationship, your career, and your life or where to begin to make lasting, meaningful change that feels worth the effort. View 10 Photos I help you reconnect to lost parts of yourself, uncover your inner wisdom, and find clarity to move through whatever life transition you're facing while staying true to what you value. As a therapist, I assist you to find personal steps leading to a happier more fulfilling life. My therapeutic style is not a formula applied to you; it is non-judgmental exploration, direct reflection, compassion, and humor. At the end of therapy people feel more connected to their soul, in touch with their innate power, and self-directed. Don't keep struggling alone. Contact me and together we can build actionable steps to transform your life.
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