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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Palmdale, CA

location-map Palmdale, CA | (661) 485 5164

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Life can be very challenging, throwing so many unplanned curve balls at us that sometimes leaves us feeling defeated, unmotivated, and emotionally drained. But what if you could access the keys to happiness? To a healthier mind, body, a happier marriage, and deeper personal satisfaction. Would you grab those keys to unlock the world you have been dreaming about? Or would you say, “No thanks, I’m happy with my job, marriage, and how I feel daily?” But if you say, “No, I need those keys,” I applaud you for being courageous and vulnerable enough to change what isn’t working and learn what will. What is happiness? What is success? What is learning? I offer in-person and online counseling to adults, couples, families, and adolescents, focusing on your mental self-care and adopting keys to having a successful lifestyle, successful marriage, purpose-driven career, and fulfilled family life. Everyday stress from work, home, and relationships burns us out quickly. And without mental change and support, you will continue to make the same unhealthy choices. I want to show you that you are as successful as you want to be, in a unique way only you can be. You can use your new way of thinking and feeling to live your happiest most fulfilled life.

location-map Palmdale, CA

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Mind Body and Counseling Services is a Christian based professional clinical mental health service providing caring and client-focused counseling, resources, and support. The goal of MBS is to bring holistic healing to hurting people to strengthen families, personal relationships, and provide a purposeful and positive outlook on your journey to a happier and more fulfilling future. View 9 Photos MBS Provides: Individual Counseling (children, teens, adults), Group Counseling, (Grief, Domestic Violence/Advocacy, etc., Anger Management etc.). Relational Counseling (couples, family) Christian Counseling, Vocational Counseling, specialized services based on patient's needs. Let us help you break free from those things keeping you from being the best possible you! Give us a call or schedule an appointment today!