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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Petaluma, CA

location-map Petaluma, CA | (707) 309 7093

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

You’re finally on your way home after another long day. This should be when you can finally take a deep breath and relax, but it’s not. The day’s stress is still with you, and you have no way to shut it off. And in some ways, this is more comfortable for you. You’ve spent so long training yourself to ignore your own needs that it’s easier to stay focused on everyone and everything else. But lately, you’ve begun to wonder what it’s all for. You see other people enjoying full lives. Meanwhile, you’re stuck in this narrow existence. You love your career, but there must be more to life than this. It’s time to make a change. View 7 Photos Let me help you rediscover your joy in life. By combining mindfulness skills with cognitive therapy tools, we’ll free up energy that you can channel into necessary self-care. Using guided self-exploration techniques, you’ll develop a map of your unconscious. This will allow you to understand and change the negative patterns underlying your symptoms. You deserve to enjoy all that life has to offer. A part of you is longing to thrive, and therapy can help. It’s possible to enjoy both a career and a fulfilling personal life. Don’t ignore your own needs a moment longer. Your happiness is waiting for you. Together, let’s take the first step today. Call me now for your free 15-minute consultation!

location-map Petaluma, CA | (415) 881 4930

Accepting New Clients

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As an integrative therapist, I draw from different psychotherapy orientations. This allows me to tailor therapy to your needs and allows for a truly collaborative process in deciding where we go and how. Since successful therapy depends on a strong relationship between client and therapist, my first priority is nurturing that bond by creating a safe and supportive environment. I believe therapy is most effective when it is flexible, demystified, and client-centered, so you can expect me to be transparent about my ideas and approaches. My style is at times infused with humor and is always warm and direct. You are already the expert on you. As your guide and advocate, I'll help you develop the insight, curiosity, and courage to create the life you want, whether you are looking to reduce anxiety, feel more joy, or release the past. If you are facing sadness, anxiety, trauma, or dependence, finding and contacting a therapist is likely a daunting process and a huge leap of faith. Congratulations on taking the first steps -- you're already closer to your fullest life and your truest self.