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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Pittsburg, CA
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Pittsburg, CA | (925) 900 5586
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Pinnacle Mental Wellness Group is a counseling center where patients of all backgrounds, ages, orientations, genders, sizes, beliefs, and social status can come and feel accepted, without judgment or criticism. We have a number of caring and talented licensed therapists who will work with you to help you find your own unique path toward healing, hope and purpose. Please visit our website to read more about each therapist and choose one who is the best fit for you and your needs. We develop individualized treatment plans for children through adults. Together we find the exact tools to help overcome emotions that are holding you back from becoming the very best version of yourself. Our counseling is provided in a friendly and reassuring environment that offers nonjudgmental caring support. We successfully use Neurofeedback as part of our treatment plans. We have found that adding this type of treatment helps some clients avoid having to take medication and allows the therapy process to proceed even more successfully!
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