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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Placentia, CA

location-map Placentia, CA | (714) 831 5657

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Do you live in constant fear? Are you overwhelmed by grief? Do you find yourself feeling sad, withdrawn, irritable, and lonely? Are you struggling to communicate with your teen? Do you often wonder why they behave in certain ways? If so, I would like to help. We all would like to think we are strong enough to overcome these issues on our own, but there comes a time when we need to reach out for additional help. I specialize in treating trauma (specifically sexually abuse), mood disorders, and grief. I also have worked extensively with teens and their families, so I know the problems that are unique to teens. In addition to treating those who have experienced trauma in their lives, I also specialize in working with grief. Unresolved trauma and grief can have a tremendous impact upon your relationships and your ability to live your life in the way in which you desire. By resolving this trauma, you can be free of the negative patterns in your life. Through our work together, I will listen nonjudgmentally and help heal the deep wounds of your past. We will form a partnership to creatively help you reclaim your life. There will be room for hopes and dreams and life will not be simply about surviving. Please do not hesitate to contact me to see if we are a good fit.