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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Placerville, CA

location-map Placerville, CA | (530) 287 4796

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Let's work together! I can offer education, a sounding board, and opportunities for insight as you reflect and work to improve your life and that of your loved ones. With practical tools and a compassionate heart, your journey can become more effective, more satisfying. My hope is that therapy becomes a place where you step into the office, away from the busy pace of life, a place where you step further into yourself. Knowing yourself and having the tools to gain that knowledge can be pivotal to your well-being and that of your family's. Over the last 25 years I have cultivated specialties with seniors, adults, children and teens. I know there are times in life when speed bumps are hit and it can involve individuals or the entire family. Together we can sort out the issues and work to resolve the conflicts. As a parent of four, I have personal experience with parenting children with adoption concerns, attachment challenges, special needs and learning concerns. I am also a trauma and EMDR specialist, certified at level two.