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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ramona, CA

location-map Ramona, CA | (619) 432 3260

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Is your relationship in trouble? Does your relationship feel dull and lifeless? Are you at the beginning of a new relationship and want to make sure this one works out? We all need to learn how to make relationships work. There are a few things you need to know. 1. All relationships go through a cycle, and one of those cycles includes conflict. Yes, conflict is supposed to happen because it helps us grow and heal. 2. All those great feelings you had at the beginning were because of hormones, and they don't last. 3. You are in this relationship because you hold the key to each other's healing. I can help create a safe environment. View 4 Photos We are wounded in relationships, so we need to heal in relationships. My role is to discover what you need to feel safe so you can get what you need from me, and then I can help your partner meet your needs as well. My specialties in Relationship Therapy, Equus Coaching, Somatic Therapy, EMDR & Expressive Arts help me connect with you and your relationship. It's not easy to ask for help or to reach out to a stranger. I want you to know I'm here to help. Calling doesn't mean you have to agree to come in. I am happy to talk to you so you can see if I'm the right person for you. If not, I will do my best to help you find someone that is.