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Today is March 28, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 7 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Redding, CA
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Individual and relational health are connected and need to be treated together. I love working with families as well as individuals. Structure and values are addressed as the client(s) identify their values which become guiding principles to journey toward health. Individual emotional issues also need addressing and treated clinically, psychologically, and spiritually, if the client desires. Life has its moments of wounding and suffering. Healing and recovery are found in a safe and confidential environment with a therapist who can reflect and guide people through their challenges. Clients feel safest with a therapist who has similar spiritual values. I have served as a pastor in evangelical churches and hold to a Christian world view. If it is the client's desire, Scriptural values are incorporated into the therapy. Our greatest training isn't found in a textbook. It is found in day-to-day living. I have 3 grown, married sons and 11 grandchildren. I have personally experienced great tragedies and victories in life and family. I am no different than you ;-) .

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I believe as humans, our journeys are each unique and important. I value the individuality of my clients and their stories, and I make it a priority to provide a safe, welcoming place to talk about one’s struggles and goals, and explore how to achieve them. My goal is to foster an open, warm, and honest relationship where we can work together to get the most out of therapy. I love working with older teens and adults of all stages and have been able to gain experience working with those struggling with anxiety, depression, and relationship struggles, along with other life transitions. I use a person-centered lens and use various integrative methods according to what best fits the client's unique needs. I understand how difficult it can be to take the first step and call. I value the vulnerabitlity of this process, as much as I value you and your time, and encourage you to contact me so we can talk.

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My journey to being a psychologist started early in life. I have overcome my own trauma and obstacles. Through my own journey, I gained a lasting respect for the profession of healing and wanted to pass that same healing along to others. I worked hard to become a compassionate, understanding, and experienced psychologist. I have a wide range of skills and techniques that I uses to help her clients heal, grow, and change. Change and growth is hard, but it is one of the most worthwhile experiences you can engage in.

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Freedom and wellness is our birthright! Are you living the life you desire? We are relational beings. My work with clients is focused on gaining freedom from the past by processing trauma, working with relationship issues, suicide, grief, women's issues, couples, spirituality, affirming diversity and exceptional living. Work includes EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing), Brainspotting, Neurofeedback, Sandplay, Art and traditional talk therapy, Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, non-pharmacutical exercising of and re-balanciing of the brain. I added it to my practice because its so powerful. Neurofeedback treats sleep disorders, ADHD, learning disabilities, depression, trauma, head injuries, addiction and is a powerful tool for performance enhancement. We exercise our bodies, its time to exercise our brains! I work collaboratively with your life experiences and beliefs to help you create health, wellness and the life you've always desired! Therapist, writer, ordained minister, motivational speaker, media consultant/producer, community leader, Karuk Tribal descendent, presenting workshops and seminars.

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You're having the same arguments with your loved ones and it's beyond frustrating. No one feels heard and you don't get why it's so difficult to be understood. It's hard to believe that things will ever be better. You want a roadmap and a place to start so you and your relationship thrive. Our worries and stressors can feel like an overwhelming pressure. I'll be there to help you make sense of it all so you can understand the deeper needs and motivators behind your words, feelings, and behaviors to bring positive change to your life. I am an actively engaged therapist who looks for how you can apply new skills in your life. Here's what we do next: we go down the rabbit hole together a half step at a time. No matter the twists and turns your journey takes you've got a support now that will watch out for you, point things out, hold you to your desire for change and holds a compass that points to the life where you thrive and forge a new path.

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Hope for change. Hope for healing. Hope for success. Are you seeking hope in your life and relationships? I have a passion for restoring healthy foundations in relationships, rediscovering hope, and finding freedom in our lives. My sessions are a safe place for you to freely explore your relationships, work through problem areas, and provide you with tools to create change. View 4 Photos Visit to read more about me and the process of therapy. I would love to partner with you on your journey to rediscover hope and change the course of your life and your relationships. You may contact me directly at 530-206-5560 or

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Some research states that the average couple will wait up to 6 years AFTER noticing something is wrong in their marriage before seeking help. So congratulations if you are seeking help before that! You've already made the first big step towards improving your marriage just by looking for a counselor. Now if you are experiencing a bit of choice paralysis that's normal. Its a big choice! My first goal in establishing a good counseling relationship is making sure it's a good fit for both of us. So know that if you call you're not stuck! View 5 Photos At the risk of sounding's the long story short. We've been doing this awhile. We are confident we can help and we LOVE what we do. BUT it's not about us. We want to see YOU and YOUR MARRIAGE succeed! I am pro-marriage meaning you won't be hearing me suggest divorce. I know you don't need me taking your side against your spouse as much as you need someone to stand on the side of your marriage and fight for it.

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It’s not that you haven’t tried to feel better, because you have. Old ways of coping are leaving you feeling alone, empty, and disconnected. Something you thought you could work through alone is now bleeding into your relationships with family, friends, and work. Falling into old patterns can be frustrating and painful. You’re at a crossroads of doing the same thing and getting the same results or trying something different. Breaking trail to a new way of living is not easy, but it is worth it. Reach out today to begin your journey. The most important thing to me is that you feel heard and supported. I believe deeply in the potential for positive change and the healing power of having someone who will truly listen. As a strengths-based practitioner, I understand every person possesses qualities that can lead them through difficult times. Sometimes we just need some extra support. It can be a scary and overwhelming experience to face your feelings and build new ways of getting through life’s struggles. If you can relate to living day to day on autopilot, pushing down your needs or feelings until they boil over, or feeling like a tangled ball of nerves, it’s time to try something different. Call today and book your free 15 consultation

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