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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Redlands, CA

location-map Redlands, CA | (909) 240 7833

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Do you struggle because of your sexual identity, gender identity, age, or health status? Does it sometimes feel like the world will only accept you if you fit in a neat little box? I will help you uncover or reconnect with the beautiful parts of yourself that have been overshadowed by societal expectations and pressure. I provide a safe, supportive, confidential environment to explore and create the life you want and the relationships you desire. I work with people of all gender expressions, ages, spiritual backgrounds, health statuses, and sexual orientations. View 3 Photos I have specialized expertise and experience helping people through cancer, gender identity questions and exploration, LGBTQ concerns, HIV status, etc. I also can help with the other things that you may experience, such as anxiety, compulsive thoughts, depression, relationship conflict, and more. I love working with all age groups, but have an affinity for working with college students and older adults. I also provide coaching to the parents of college students as relationships change and shift as children age and develop independence.

location-map Redlands, CA | (909) 809 6914

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English  |  español HABLO ESPAÑOL AND NOW ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS. Hola mi nombre es Yesenia Ramirez, obtuve mi licencia bajo el estado de California en consejería clínica. Mi enfoque es consejería interactiva enfocada en resolución de problemas. El enfoque es darle al paciente, el apoyo y herramientas para resolver problemas y hacer cambios en comportamientos heredados. Con sensibilidad,entendimiento y apoyo puedo ayudar a familias y personas individuales a encontrar soluciones a desafíos en tu vida. Trabajó arduamente con mis pacientes en fortalecer sus habilidades y edificar y alcanzar sus metas. View 5 Photos Me especializo en todo tipo de problemas, emocionales y de comportamiento. Proveemos servicios para parejas resolución de conflictos,comunicación,manejo de emociones,TEPT(PTSD) y abuso de substancias (alcohol y drogas) Mi enfoque es personal y diseñado específicamente a la necesidad de cada paciente para poder llegar a la meta deseada. Mis áreas de experiencia incluyen, consejería de abuso de drogas y alcohol, manejó de temperamento y emociones. Proveemos herramientas y educación para solucionar enfermedades de abuso.

location-map Redlands, CA | (909) 359 7162

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Feeling unfulfilled and stressed out? Perhaps you excel in your work but notice that you've been feeling exhausted, depleted, or sad lately. You might even be feeling disconnected in your relationship with yourself. Although you are proud of your accomplishments, there is a lot of pressure and expectations in your life, and you're feeling burned out. Perhaps you've even gone through a recent life transition that has impacted your well-being. Do you want to feel grounded, at peace, and experience joy again but are unsure how? As your therapist, I can provide you with a holistic approach through psycho-education, mindfulness practices, and clinical insights. We work together to bring greater awareness to the present moment by clarifying your beliefs, values, and hopes. As your guide and confidant, we cultivate healing and safety in your relationship with yourself and others. Let's connect you back to joy and restful fulfillment. If this resonates, call or email me to set up a free 15-minute consultation to see if we are a good fit. All adult individuals, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, and sexual/gender identities are welcomed.

location-map Redlands, CA | (909) 244 3143

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Are you having difficulty managing challenges/stressors in your life? Do you have overwhelming thoughts or constant worry? Are you stuck in regret or stress about future? Do you want more balance? Life can have many challenges. I have over 12 years of specialized experience working with individuals with many types of mental health challenges. I use a wide range of modalities based on the individuals needs. If you struggle with anxiety, stress, work-life balance, college life, life transitions, relationship issues, depression or managing emotions, then I can support you, you no longer have to face challenges on your own. My goal is to help you find and build your strengths, develop skills, and empower you to be able to better navigate the challenges you are facing. I want you to take back control, identify values, create healthy boundaries, find purpose, and create a more fulfilling life. Sessions are focused on you, your past and your present, and I am there with you. I am genuine, compassionate, and provide a safe space to listen to your challenges without judgement. I love helping others find healthier ways to navigate challenges of life, find hope, heal from pain, grow, build healthier relationships, and have a more fulfilling life. I believe that mental health is very important to living a meaningful life.