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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Saratoga, CA

location-map Saratoga, CA | (650) 668 5018

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From 0 Reviews

I enjoy working with adults of all ages to address anxiety, depression, stress, life transitions, and provide compassionate guidance while navigating personal challenges. I view therapy as a collaborative process that offers a unique opportunity to gain insight into your internal and external worlds, relationships, and address your aspirations and goals. My therapeutic approach is warm, supportive, creative, and engaging. I utilize a variety of evidence-based treatment approaches and will combine them to best meet your needs and goals. Some of these approaches include mindfulness-based therapies and stress reduction, cognitive behavioral interventions, motivational interviewing, and EMDR. Research shows that much of the progress made in psychotherapy occurs when you feel a positive connection with your therapist. I offer complimentary phone consultations to explore working together and to answer any questions regarding what your therapy would look like. I look forward to speaking with you.