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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Sebastopol, CA

location-map Sebastopol, CA | (707) 927 1244

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Is the suffering that you keep circling back around to your soul calling out to you to dig deeper and really heal yourself? Many of us wonder why we suffer so much in our relationships, why we are afraid of love, why we stay in less fulfilling places in life rather than taking the steps to live a more meaningful, larger life. The calling for humanity is coming from our souls. If you can at least be open to this possibility, I invite you into the therapy process of tapping into your soul's wisdom and letting it guide you. My therapeutic process includes soul work (inner child work) and mindfulness. I use techniques inspired by Carl Jung, Pema Chodron, and Sandra Ingerman. By honoring our wounded inner child we are led into our authentic self, which then leads us into living a more meaningful life, love driven, soulful life. My client focus is men, women, couples, adolescents, & therapists. My specialties are: self growth, addiction, alcohol abuse, abandonment fear, commitment fear, depression, trauma, and grief. I incorporate somatic techniques including guided visualizations and breath-work, journaling, and teachings on communicating with yourself and others in a more nurturing, authentic way.