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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Upland, CA

location-map Upland, CA | (909) 584 3469

Accepting New Clients

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As a licensed psychologist, I can provide testing to verify a diagnosis and provide clarity on a person's functioning. I enjoy providing psychological testing and evaluations to help adults, parents, teens, and children clarify their diagnosis and increase insight into their symptoms and behaviors. I have experience providing testing to evaluate a variety of diagnoses, which have included ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, and Anxiety. If you are interested in seeking psychological testing to evaluate your symptoms, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. At this time I can only take on clients for psychological testing and evaluations. Specifically, I can offer testing to verify an ADHD diagnosis for ages 6 to 60 yrs. old, as well as provide testing to verify a variety of diagnoses, such as PTSD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Anxiety. If you have a question about testing, please contact me. If the time is right to seek psychological testing, please contact me for a consultation.

location-map Upland, CA | (626) 722 5741

Accepting New Clients

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I believe in working collaboratively with clients, empowering you to explore your life on a deeper level, helping you discover how you can create the life you want, and supporting you as you begin taking those steps. My approach to therapy can be described as individualized and eclectic as I draw from various approaches to best support you and what works for you. I have experience in a wide variety of settings and working with many different populations from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds and members of the LGBTQIA+ community. I work in the office of Mental Wellness Partners alongside other licensed therapists, a psychiatrist, and psychiatric nurse practitioners. Visit our website at I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT #86983) as well as a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC #5689). You can also visit my website at