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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Watsonville, CA

location-map Watsonville, CA | (408) 868 5524

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Often life presents challenges and we feel alone, trapped, and afraid. Right now you may have marital, work, or family problems. You may feel depressed, anxious or having panic attacks. You may feel lonely and not have anybody to turn to for help. I believe I can help you. Together, in therapy, you will learn how to overcome your current challenges and find your way back into a happy and meaningful life. I provide therapy in Spanish and English. I am bilingual/bicultural and I have been in practice for 20+ yrs. I also provide psychological evaluations for immigration cases. I look forward to hearing from you. View 5 Photos Proveo terapia individual y de pareja en español. La vida a veces nos trae problemas matrimoniales, de trabajo o con uno mismo (baja autoestima, bebida, infidelidad). En mi terapia descubrirá las causas de sus problemas y como superarlos. Tambien proveo evaluaciones psicologicas para emigracion. Atentamente, Lucia, su terapéuta. Hablo español: soy bilingue y bicultural. Tengo experiencia ayudando a parejas de dos culturas y a personas que están sufriendo problemas de aculturación y diferencias entre culturas. Llevo más de 20 años viviendo en California ayudando a la comunidad hispana. Tambien proveo evaluaciones psicologicas para casos migratorios (Hardship evaluations).