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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Basalt, CO

location-map Basalt, CO | (970) 924 0532

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Hi! My name is Delfina Huergo and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado. I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I received my Master's degree in Psychology and Science from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2007. I worked with Mind Springs Health since 2010 providing bilingual services to children, adolescents and adults, doing both individual and family therapy. Trauma and Abuse, Domestic Violence, Adjustment Disorders, Cultural Matters, etc. I use a combination of Psycho-Analytical, Experiential, Client-Centered, (Trauma Focused) Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and Mindfulness-Based Strategies offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Hola! Mi nombre es Delfina Huergo y estoy licenciada como consejera profesional en Colorado. Soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina y tengo un Master en Psicología y Ciencias. Tengo experiencia trabajando en español con la comunidad latina desde el 2010, ayudando a personas de diferentes edades, niños, adolescentes, adultos. Trabajo con problemas de depresión, ansiedad, estrés post-traumático, abuso de sustancias, violencia domestica, problemas de adaptación al país y diferencias culturales. Mi objetivo es ayudar a personas a procesar y resolver emociones, trabajando con el cuerpo, la mente y su espiritualidad.

location-map Basalt, CO | (970) 296 8002

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I am a licensed professional counselor specializing in the treatment of trauma. I focus on individual needs in a caring and connected environment utilizing current evidence based practice and experience. I enjoy helping others to heal from anxiety, depression, and other issues that might get in the way of leading a joyful life. I am trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy and have been certified in NMT (Neuro-sequential Model of Therapeutics). These evidence based models along with a connected therapeutic relationship are highly effective in treating trauma, PTSD, Attachment, Depression, Anxiety, and other challenges.