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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cortez, CO
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I am licensed in CO and UT. I work with women and specialize in trauma recovery, EMDR therapy, somatic modalities and creative processes that help build a capacity to meet challenges as an opportunity for growth. I offer caring, compassionate support and focused guidance to help people trust their own inner wisdom and self-healing abilities and make lasting changes in their lives. EMDR therapy can reduce symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, grief, performance anxiety & other difficult life challenges. It can also improve skills in performance & creativity (for professional athletes, performers, business professionals, public speakers), mindfulness, stress reduction, confidence, personal growth and overall health & wellness. I specialize in somatic or body centered modalities that connect the mind-body for effective & lasting results including: EMDR, Mind-Body Bridging, Somatic Experiencing, Safely Embodied, Mindful Self Compassion, guided imagery & creative expressive therapies. I have a background in mindfulness meditation techniques including Vipassana or Insight meditation.

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