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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dillon, CO

location-map Dillon, CO | (406) 510 2244

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It is not easy to seek support and I am honored to be considered as someone who could help. I work with individuals & couples with a range of issues using both short and long-term therapy. As a Psychologist, I am trained to work with various issues related to well-being and distress. A few of my specialty areas include trauma, sexual concerns, depression, anxiety, relational work, infertility concerns and perinatal/postpartum depression and working with therapists. Overall, my approach is holistic and relational; I give the utmost attention to the therapeutic relationship as well as how people relate to others in their lives. I have specialized training in EMDR level I & II, Psychedelic Assisted Therpay, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Mindful Self Compassion, Comprehensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Emotion Focused Couples Therapy, Transgender Healthcare, Reiki and Classical Hatha Yoga. I utilize these modalities to inform treatment approach and the therapeutic process. I am careful to consider individuals in the greater context of mind-body, spirituality, family, culture and social status. It is important to me that my clients feel a real connection to me as a therapist. For this reason I work to bring genuineness, warmth, challenge, and humor to my work with clients. Please contact me with questions or to talk further.