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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jamestown, CO

location-map Jamestown, CO | (720) 702 8240

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You can heal from the wounds that disconnect you and your partner, or your own full potential. I help couples, families, and individuals remove barriers to their healing, health, and authenticity. I have the therapeutic training and experience that allow me to guide you into your intrinsic wisdom, confidence, and ability to heal so you can change in ways you could not before. I focus on issues that arise from difficult childhood experiences, attachment wounding, trauma, and abuse. With couples, we create and protect a safe and secure space to communicate honestly and create intimacy, healing and long lasting security. Having spent most of my life doing committed spiritual and psychological work and deepening my access to wisdom and insight, I am particularly capable of helping break through the most challenging barriers to client’s growth and potential. I will bring keen awareness to the profoundly sensitive aspects of your healing in both the body and mind. Finding a therapist you connect with is not always easy, and it’s important that you find someone you feel can support you in your journey. Call me now and we can schedule a free 30 minute consultation to see if we would be a good match for the work you want to do together. We will do deep and transformative work together. Count on it.