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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Keystone, CO

location-map Keystone, CO | (303) 900 7897

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Life transitions are hard. Love and loss and life trials affect us all in differing ways. Many of us are seeking clarity and a clear path forward. At Crystal River Counseling I strive to be real with my patients and to be honest and transparent with my techniques. I work consistently to ensure my patients have the tools they need to find the clarity they seek. You will find my practice reflects a down to earth approach and I am a firm believer in the power of humor. I believe it is always important to create a strong relationship between the patient and therapist to achieve overall success. Most importantly I care a great deal. I love the saying, “We cannot solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” I strive with a person-centered approach to first listen to what the needs and goals are, then work to meet each individual where they are in life. My techniques are individualized for each unique person that I am working with. I know taking the first step toward therapy is hard, it is a scary decision and most people do not know what to expect. That is never lost on me. I regard it a high honor when a patient chooses Crystal River Counseling to be there for them in any life situation, good or bad. My greatest joy is to help each patient discover the clarity they are seeking.