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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Silverthorne, CO

location-map Silverthorne, CO | (970) 847 2687

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From 0 Reviews

We were told a lie. Go to college, get a job, get married, buy a house, have babies, live happily ever after. Bullshit. Adulthood is way more confusing and people haven't exactly been candid about it. None of us were taught how to find affordable places to live, navigate global disasters, or deal with an anxiety provoking career climate. We weren't given clear instructions for what healthy dating looks like either. What's worse is that so many people don't want to hear about it. So we're left wondering what to do. The good news is that nobody knows what they're doing so we're all in this together: no judging allowed. I could talk about how I'm honored to be with you on your journey and all the other therapy cliches. While that is actually true, what I want to offer you instead is nonjudgmental education and analysis about how your mind works, how it can impact your body, and how a deep dive into your subconscious can oftentimes help autocorrect what's going on. Trying to find a therapist is obnoxious. Let's cut the crap and dive into how we can help you feel better and more at peace! Life is confusing AF, but I can promise that while there aren't answers to everything, there are answers to a lot of things. We have access to so much more information than our parents ever did. Let's make the most of it and thrive!