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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Vail, CO

location-map Vail, CO | (970) 438 2492

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Do you tend to think in all or nothing thinking? Are you all in, or avoid even starting? Super happy or feel really down? Do you see this impacting your relationships or peace within yourself? I get excited to help people restore that balance! This lack of balance can play out in many ways: chaotic relationships, work stress, lack of self esteem, poor body image, unusual eating habits, creating rules for yourself to feel like you’re staying in control. Let’s find a way to reestablish you not having the illusion of control, but authentically feeling that you are empowered and trust in yourself to make the correct choice. Let’s find a way to reestablish not having the illusion of control, but authentically feeling that you are empowered and trust in yourself to make the correct choice. Although most people look for guidance or help when things are going wrong, it’s also helpful to find what is going well in your life to compliment the hard work you’ll be embarking upon. I work as a life coach on and as a therapist on Sondermind, and have different avenues of guiding you through your goals. Reach out to me on either space to be able to get started on your journey to a better version of yourself!